DE/rand/1/exp #
Name #
DE/rand/1/exp (Differential Evolution, rand/1/exp)
Taxonomy #
DE/rand/1/exp is a variant of the Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm, which is a population-based optimization algorithm belonging to the field of Evolutionary Computation, a subfield of Computational Intelligence.
- Computational Intelligence
- Evolutionary Computation
- Evolutionary Algorithms
- Differential Evolution
- DE/rand/1/exp
- Differential Evolution
- Evolutionary Algorithms
- Evolutionary Computation
Strategy #
DE/rand/1/exp operates on a population of candidate solutions, iteratively improving them through a process of mutation, crossover, and selection. The algorithm maintains a population of fixed size, where each individual represents a potential solution to the optimization problem.
Mutation #
In the mutation step, DE/rand/1/exp creates a mutant vector for each individual in the population. The mutant vector is generated by adding the weighted difference between two randomly selected individuals to a third randomly selected individual. This mutation strategy is denoted as “rand/1”, indicating that the base vector is randomly chosen and one difference vector is used.
Crossover #
After mutation, the algorithm performs crossover between each individual (target vector) and its corresponding mutant vector to create a trial vector. In DE/rand/1/exp, the crossover is performed using the exponential crossover scheme. This scheme starts at a randomly chosen point in the vector and continues to copy elements from the mutant vector to the trial vector until a random number exceeds the crossover probability (CR) or the end of the vector is reached.
Selection #
Finally, the selection step determines whether the trial vector replaces the target vector in the population for the next generation. In DE/rand/1/exp, a greedy selection scheme is employed, where the trial vector replaces the target vector if and only if it has a better fitness value.
The algorithm continues this process of mutation, crossover, and selection for a predefined number of generations or until a satisfactory solution is found.
Procedure #
- Initialize the population
- Set the population size (NP) and problem dimensionality (D)
- Randomly initialize NP individuals within the search space bounds
- While stopping criteria not met, do:
- For each individual (target vector) in the population, do:
- Mutation:
- Randomly select three distinct individuals (r1, r2, r3) from the population, different from the target vector
- Calculate the mutant vector: v = x_r1 + F * (x_r2 - x_r3), where F is the mutation scale factor
- Crossover:
- Randomly select a crossover point k from [1, D]
- Initialize the trial vector u with elements from the target vector x
- For j = k to D, do:
- If rand() < CR or j == D, set u_j = v_j, else set u_j = x_j
- If j == D, break
- Selection:
- Evaluate the fitness of the trial vector u
- If u has better fitness than x, replace x with u in the population
- Mutation:
- Update the best solution found so far
- For each individual (target vector) in the population, do:
- Return the best solution found
Data Structures #
- Population: An array of NP individuals, each representing a candidate solution
- Individual: A vector of D real-valued components, representing a point in the search space
- Mutant Vector: A vector created during the mutation step, used to generate the trial vector
- Trial Vector: A vector created during the crossover step, potentially replacing the target vector in the next generation
Parameters #
- NP: Population size
- D: Problem dimensionality (number of decision variables)
- F: Mutation scale factor, controls the magnitude of the differential variation
- CR: Crossover probability, determines the fraction of components inherited from the mutant vector
Considerations #
Advantages #
- Simple and easy to implement
- Requires few control parameters
- Effective in solving a wide range of optimization problems
- Exhibits good exploration and exploitation capabilities
Disadvantages #
- Performance may deteriorate in high-dimensional search spaces
- Convergence speed can be slow for complex problems
- Sensitive to the choice of control parameters (F and CR)
Heuristics #
Population Size (NP) #
- As a rule of thumb, set NP to be about 10 times the dimensionality of the problem
- For more complex problems, a larger population size may be required to maintain diversity and prevent premature convergence
Mutation Scale Factor (F) #
- Typically chosen from the range [0.4, 1.0]
- Smaller values of F lead to more exploitative search, while larger values promote exploration
- A good starting point is F = 0.5, which can be adjusted based on the problem characteristics
Crossover Probability (CR) #
- Usually selected from the range [0.0, 1.0]
- Higher values of CR favor exploitation, while lower values encourage exploration
- A common choice is CR = 0.9, but this can be adapted depending on the problem
Stopping Criteria #
- Set a maximum number of generations based on the available computational resources and problem complexity
- Alternatively, monitor the progress of the best solution and stop if no significant improvement is observed over a certain number of generations
Boundary Constraints #
- Ensure that the initial population is generated within the search space bounds
- After mutation and crossover, check if the trial vector violates any boundary constraints and repair it by either:
- Resetting the violating components to the nearest boundary value
- Randomly reinitializing the violating components within the bounds
Problem-Specific Adaptations #
- Consider incorporating problem-specific knowledge into the mutation or crossover operators to improve the search efficiency
- Experiment with different mutation strategies (e.g., DE/best/1/exp, DE/current-to-best/1/exp) to balance exploration and exploitation based on the problem characteristics